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What is a worrying thought, and Why do I have worrying thoughts?

What is a worrying thought, and Why do I have worrying thoughts?


Did you know,  the average person has upwards of about 60,000 thoughts every day?  And almost 80% of those thoughts are negative thoughts?  95% of the thoughts we think each day are the same thoughts we thought yesterday, and the day before.  Even more mind boggling, is that people worry about the future or think about what happened yesterday, or last week, or last year. Very few of our thoughts are about THE PRESENT.  Why is it we don’t often think about NOW? Do you spend a lot of your time worrying about what might happen?  85% to 90% of what we worry about never happens. If and when what we worry about does happen, 80% of the people it happened to had no problem handling what did occur and some say that it taught them a lesson. That’s a lot of wasted energy worrying.  Worry, for a lot of people is a major source of stress and anxiety and can actually cause depression. Do you want to learn how to change your thoughts and get out of fear and worry about the future? Stay tuned for future posts. Or Contact me to learn more about my services. 




 Have you ever silently berated yourself for making a mistake?  Have you ever yelled silently at yourself for failing a test, or being late for an important appointment? Why?  No, seriously, why?  Are you aware that most of us talk to ourselves worse than we ever would to someone we don’t even like?  We tend to be harder on ourselves than on anyone else. We would never talk to our friends like that.  I’m sure you’ve hear people say, “Oops, I’m an idiot”, or “ I’m so stupid”. Maybe you’ve even noticed that you do it to yourself. When you keep telling yourself something your mind looks for ways to make it so. Really!  We create our own reality! Wouldn’t it make sense to tell ourselves “Oops, silly girl, next time it’ll be perfect.”  or “Darn, another experience I’m learning to be better.”  We need to learn to be our own best friend. We need to learn about those thoughts that are going through our heads all the time and start tuning into what we are telling ourselves.  Many of those thoughts we learned when we were young. We learned from the adults around us, parents, teachers, sometimes our siblings. People told us things that weren’t true. People may have called us things that aren’t true, were never true and will never be true.  I remember a school principle saying “That child will never amount to anything in life.”  That child was 8 at the time. That child carried it with him into adult life before he decided to destroy that belief before it destroyed him. Become aware of the negative thought and change that thought to a more positive thought. Make it a better feeling thought. With time, you will get better and better at it. With time, you will create yourself a new reality. Want to learn more?  Contact me. 



Up to 95% of the thoughts we think today, are also the same thoughts we  thought yesterday, and the day before. Most of us are creatures of routine.  We get up in the morning,  check our emails, maybe check our social media, or the news, go to the bathroom, brush our teeth, get ready for work, have breakfast, get the kids off to school, then go to work. We also have a routine when we get to work. It’s no wonder that we think the same thoughts day to day when we have the same routine day to day. What would happen to you if you changed your routine?  You’d have to change your thoughts. What if you didn’t check your emails, social media and the news first thing in the morning? It makes for a less stressful start to your day. Try brushing your teeth with the other hand. It’s unfamiliar and  it means you have to think about what you are doing. You just saved yourself 10 minutes in not checking your email and social media, so you can leave for work 10 minutes earlier today. Traffic is little lighter because you left 10 minutes early and the commute is easier and less stressful. You arrive at work in a good mood and you were able to save even more time because you left home a little earlier than usual. It is as easy as that to change your routine and to change your thoughts.  Little changes every day in what you do and in what you think really can change your life.

Want to learn more?  Would you like to learn how to really change your reality? Contact me.

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